Wooden Garage Doors
05/14/2014 Back To BlogWooden garage doors add a touch of class to the exterior of any home. Old doors in particular are proven to be top quality and have withstood the test of time. In the past it was not every easy to find the right replacement parts or components in case any of them had to be repaired or replaced. Now there are ample options in the market and every homeowner is free to choose a style or design based on his need and budget without worrying about where to find replacement parts. Caring for a wooden door is very important; let's discuss a few ideas on how to go about maintaining your wooden garage door.
- Color
Wooden garage doors are the best as they can be painted in a wide range of colors in comparison to doors made with other material. You can even change the color often to match the look of your home or neighborhood. They are high maintenance doors, as colors may begin to peel every few years. This, calls for routine checking and touch-up and cleaning and sanding the door well before repainting.
- Checking parts
All moving parts such as springs, rollers and hinges should function properly and undergo inspection at least once a year. A silicone spray lubricant works best to keep certain parts well-oiled and operate smoothly. Loose screws, nuts and bolts should always be tightened and the tracks ought to be correctly lined up with the rollers. If this is left unchecked then the garage door may struggle to open or worse, may open just half way.
Springs play a vital role in the movement of any door as they counterbalance the weight of the door. If the garage door is particularly difficult to operate then it is time to repair or replace springs.